What is this?

This is a cheatsheet website to help people quick start their way into using DaVinci Resolve. It's meant to save people's time in contrast to crappy tutorials on youtube.

It's not a zero to hero tutorial. You need to have some editing knowledge in order to fully understand content of this website.

Getting started

Why is it different?!

At first editing in DaVinci Resolve after being used to Adobe Premiere it may feel awkward to cut media imported on the timeline. Many tools' icons look exactly like in Premiere, but their functionality has minor differences that are annoying when you're just starting.


Skip intro

There are couple of ways of cutting imported media.

First, you need to select the edit tab.

Drag media from media pool into timeline

Your timeline should end up looking like this


How to cut?

  1. Trim edit mode T

    Drag clip from left or right edge to shorten it or increase its' length

  2. Hint: You need to have linked selection option enabled to cut audio and video from clip simultaneously (alternatively you can hold ALT to do that

    CTRL + SHIFT + L
  3. Blade edit mode B

    This tool is simillar to Adobe Premiere razor tool

  4. Razor CTRL + B

    When blade edit mode is active: cut at cursor location or playhed location if cursor is not hovering a clip.

  5. Ripple Trim

    Trim clip to start at the playhead and remove empty space CTLR + SHIFT + [

    Trim clip to end at the playhead position CTLR + SHIFT + ]

Deleting clips from timeline

  1. Delete with auto ripple delete DEL
  2. Delete without auto ripple delete BACKSPAce

    You can use CTRL + X to cut clip for the same effect, but the cut clip will end up in your clipboard

Joining clips

  1. If your timeline looks like this

    and you want to join clips into one, nice, clean looking clip

  2. Select all clips that you want to join

    Press RMBon any clip from selected ones and select first option

  3. End result

Audio levels

Get ready, because this is going to be epic

  1. Your audio track needs to look like this How to zoom timeline
  2. All you need is ALT key ALT

    Select audio clip, hold ALT and hover over thin line in top half of the audio clip. Now all you have to do is press LMB, that will create audio keyframes which can be edited by dragging.


  1. Select deliver

    It's located at the very bottom of the program

  2. Select desired preset, or custom settings

    Location: top left corner Render Settings tab

  3. Name file and choose save location
  4. Press Add to Render Queue
  5. Render timelines when you're ready

    This tab is located in the top right corner

  6. Go to sleep


Adding text

Adding text is very simple in DaVinci resolve

  1. Go to edit panel
  2. Effect library
  3. Drag and drop Text to your timeline

You can add Text effect to your favorite effects to allow quicker access.

Changing speed

First method

  1. Right click the clip and select Change clip speed R
  2. Choose desired clip speed

    Hint: If you don't tick the Ripple sequence checkbox, your clip duration will not be shortened

See other methods

Second method

  1. Enable retime control on clip CTRL + R

    You can add speed control points under the playhead and drag them using mouse like shown on the gif below

Third method

This article is for advanced users, click below to show it

Toggle section

Transform video

  1. Find effects library
  2. Find and apply transform effect to a clip
  3. There are other ways to change videos rotation/scale/position, but this way allows the best flexibility

  4. Go into the effects tab of clip properties
  5. Add keyframes to desired properties
  6. Final result

Tmeline zoom

  1. Scroll timeline left and right CTRL + SCROLL
  2. Scroll timeline up and down SCROLL
  3. Stretch audio or video height preview on timeline SHIFT + SCROLL
  4. Zoom in ALT + SCROLL or CTrl + +/-


Advanced clip selection

  1. Select all clips to the right ALT + Y
  2. Select all clips to the left CTLR + ALT + Y
  3. Bypass linked clips ALT + CLICK or ALT when drawing selection.

    It selects only chosen clips instead of selecting all linked clips. You can see usage example in the delete article (backspace deleting section).

Moving items on timeline

  1. Ripple trim
  2. Press and hold CTRL + SHIFT

    while dragging the clip to its new position. You’ll notice as you drag the clip, other clips will move out of the way, to make room.

  3. Draging the clip with CTRL + ALT

    will end up insetring the dragged clip into a clip that you are hovering above.

    This doesn't work on all clips. It won't work on clips where audio and video tracks have different end points. (duration)

Workflow optimization

  1. Favorite effects
  2. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugit quae aspernatur nam vel illo quis molestias harum iure praesentium eaque hic quidem, sit odit vero ipsum ad, inventore suscipit maxime.

  3. Default settings
  4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Perferendis, ex autem? Harum incidunt pariatur officia nulla quam exercitationem, error doloribus non quia accusamus recusandae ipsam officiis porro! Quis, vero explicabo.

Handy Shortcuts


Hover for description

BLADE B Cut clip with mouse clicks
RAZOR CTRL + B Splits the clip at cursor location. When cursor is not hovering a clip, cut at playhead location
DELETE BACKSPACE Delete clip without auto ripple delete
POINTER A Standard cursor
TRIM T Tool to make clip shorter or longer when dragging its edge. It doesn't extend clips duration.
SELECT CLIPS FORWARD Y Selects all clips that are to the right of the playhead
EDIT POINT TYPE U Is only useful after using Select Nearest Edit Point V first
SNAPPING N When their edges are close clips are automatically aligned to be sticked together